Introit, Response & Doxology

This is your house

This is your house, father come and dwell
This is your house, a holy house of prayer
Where the lost and the lonely, bring their burdens and their cares
This is your house, this is your house come and dwell (rep)

Search me O God

Search me, O God, and know my heart today,
Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts, I pray;
See if there be some wicked way in me;
Cleanse me from every sin, and set me free.

 I praise Thee, Lord, for cleansing me from sin;
Fulfill Thy word and make me pure within;
Fill me with fire, where once I burned with shame;
Grant my desire to magnify Thy name.

Dismiss us, Lord

Dismiss us, Lord, with blessing, we pray;
As from Thy worship we go our ways;
Guide in life's conflicts, all through the day;
Save in Thy kingdom, Thine be the praise.